A Journey with Russell Walters - ScaleUp Radio Podcast
Posted on 20th July 2024 at 17:04
Granger Forson from local business coaching firm BizSmart Gloucestershire recently interviewed R B Walters founder Russell Walters for the latest episode of their ScaleUp Radio series of podcasts with local business leaders. Have a listen to explore our journey and uncover the secrets behind our success!
Russell brings 37 years of experience to the table, having started his career at just 16. He focuses on building genuine relationships with our clients, offering a level of care that goes beyond mere transactions.
During his conversation with Granger, Russell shares how meticulous planning and research were crucial to our successful launch, even amid the volatile housing market during the pandemic. He also discusses the importance of a strong online presence and how our personalised website and active social media engagement have set us apart.
You can listen to the podcast here:
Alternatively, you can listen here:
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